Friday, December 17, 2010

Another cold day

So today was freezing. But the kids and I had a blast playing in the snow, re-teaching them how to make snow angels, and then coming inside for the awaiting cup of hot cocoa. I even gave them extra marshmellows to add in themselves. It was delish.

This weekend is going to be super busy. I have 3 newborn session in the books. Oye. And on top of it, we are leaving for CT on Tuesday...and the kids and I will never be coming back. Well not never, but not for a loooong while.

Jake will come back to VA by himself to meet the movers and then onward to MA.

I am definitely sad about it. I mean, we have a lot of memories in this house. Really great ones with the kids. I love this house. I love having 3 bathrooms. I love this town and the friends I have made. Many of those girls make me laugh unlike any others. I have learned many things from them - How you never know when you can pull a crafty talent out of thin air and create an amazing business from it, how you can make one of the best appetizers ever with cheese, sausage and a crock pot, how it is a very special thing to save leftovers and throw them in the street to watch them get run over by passing cars, what the hell monkey butt is, reds and whites, that you really need to set an alarm when hanging out or before you know it - it is 3am!, how pumpkin spread and brie is sooo awesome on bread, WE's, and so so so much more.

Just when we got settled - wham, time to leave. *sighs*

I know we'll be back in a few years, so until then, there's always FB my friends!! Yay. Ugh. I will miss you my friends.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Ok time to get back into this.....

So my procrastination on doing things for myself has now over folded into my guilt of not keeping up with this blog in ummm yeah what - 2 years! oops. So, since the last post on here which was when Jake was in iraq the last time back in 08....we have moved to VA lived here for 2 years, had another baby (Weston) and are now preparing to moved to MA in 2 weeks. Deep breath, Oh yes, moving to MA 5 days after Christmas. Insanity.

It's actually been really hard. Hard for me to deal with all the stresses during a normally stressful time of the year. I feel guilty that is pours out onto the kids at fleeting moments. When they ask one two many times for more juice, or knock over the clothes I just folded. My HEY! STOP IT! has gotten a little louder than I wish. But I then have to sit back and realize it's just the circumstances that are making me that Mom that I don't want to be,

I need to have more patience. I've been really trying. 3 Kids 4 and under is hard. But so are a lot of things in life. At least all of them are healthy, happy, and really really cute.
I finally have slowed down with work. The photography over the past few months was completely overtaking. I was doing 2 or 4 clients a weekend, which means editing almost 500 photos in the week. Then repeating it all over again. I can finally now take a breath away from the photos and enjoy it once again as it trickles in here and there during the winter.
We had our first snow of the winter today here in VA. The kids painted ornaments and we made cookies. Ava is hilarious that she had a ballerina and painted it to look like a geisha with a little bit of Salvador Dali in there. Liam had a car. He did great at painting it, but really enjoyed painting his thumb more.Add Video

As for me, my favorite part of today was reliving the magic of snow thru them, and hearing their squeals of delight when they first saw it start this am and then each time look out the window in amazement that it was snowing. It brings back memories for me of being little again, on Pitkin St, looking out my bedroom window at the churchyard and excited to go sled down the hill. I miss being little.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Pumpkin Town Pics

We had some fun at Pumpkin Town today!! Ava enjoyed apple cider out of a pumpkin sippy cup, and jumping on the bouncy tires.

Liams Travels

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Monday, September 22, 2008

Ava's ear tube surgery

So we just got back from Ava's ear tube surgery. She did great. She had her moments of being scared, but overall went in and out of anesthia pretty well, and is already back at Mimi and Pa's eating donuts and jumping on the couch.
She thought it was so cool the hospital gave her a popsicle for breakfast. She also really liked the pj's they put on her there, and the fact she got to lay in a "Liam crib" as she called it.
I had to hold her while she got put to sleep, that was freaky and weird, her eyes never closed like I imagined they would so that threw me off, but it went ok.
Her dr said it was a very good thing she had that done today since her right ear drum was swollen and "meaty" and had a lot of fluid. So the dr was very surprised to find it in such bad shape, she said the wax and previous tube were stuck in front of it, and preventing it to drain.
Here are some pics from today -