Thursday, October 9, 2008

Pumpkin Town Pics

We had some fun at Pumpkin Town today!! Ava enjoyed apple cider out of a pumpkin sippy cup, and jumping on the bouncy tires.

Liams Travels

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Monday, September 22, 2008

Ava's ear tube surgery

So we just got back from Ava's ear tube surgery. She did great. She had her moments of being scared, but overall went in and out of anesthia pretty well, and is already back at Mimi and Pa's eating donuts and jumping on the couch.
She thought it was so cool the hospital gave her a popsicle for breakfast. She also really liked the pj's they put on her there, and the fact she got to lay in a "Liam crib" as she called it.
I had to hold her while she got put to sleep, that was freaky and weird, her eyes never closed like I imagined they would so that threw me off, but it went ok.
Her dr said it was a very good thing she had that done today since her right ear drum was swollen and "meaty" and had a lot of fluid. So the dr was very surprised to find it in such bad shape, she said the wax and previous tube were stuck in front of it, and preventing it to drain.
Here are some pics from today -

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Monday, September 1, 2008


This kid is amazing, I hope you can view this video Jake!!!!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Coventry Lake

So today we went to Coventry Lake. It was a blast, Ava had so much fun. We went to Shady Glen with Grandma first and then to the lake. Ava went right for the water. SHe loved it. I was happy to see she wasn't shy about it. She has sand in every crack of her body now :) But that's what being a kid is about. It brought back lots of memories for me of being a kid at the Cape. Gosh I miss those days!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Always a surprise

Ava is always a surprise to I brought her to my cousins house in Windsor. She runs a daycare out of her house, so besides her kids there were some other kids there as well. Ava LOVED it, she barely was near me all day. Occasionally she came over and asked me for juice, and then would run back to the kids and play.
It got me thinking about possibly going to school or work and bringing her there.
Maybe once Liam is off the breast milk. It could work out!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Liams still not feeling great

So Liam is feeling like poop still - for some reason today he only wants to drink from a bottle, so because he doesn't like formula, I have to pump and then feed him. Ohhh yes, the joys of motherhood :) In between that and suctioning the mucous out of his nose - he's had a rough day!

Ava was good today. She played in the sandbox outside, and then Grandma Pat came over and took her to the playground. So I escaped out and went to Once Upon a Child and bought Liam a johnny jumper for the doorway and then got some groceries.

When I get back home they were just around the corner and we put Liam in the jumper. He liked it for sure, hasn't gripped the concept of jumping yet, but he sure does like the toys attached to it :)

Ava keeps talking about making daddy a cake for when he comes home. We got an Elmo deployment movie in the mail where Elmos dad goes away to Iraq and comes home later in the yeear. It shows Elmo sending pics to daddy and talking to him on the phone. But at the end, Elmo and his friends make a welcome home cake for daddy, so Ava now wants to do that as well. She calls is an applesauce cake ???? who knows why - but she's been tsaying it all day - "make applesauce cake for daddy?" Maybe it's her way of communicating she wants him to come home. She use to say "daddy home in 2 weeks" but she doesn't say that anymore :( She doesn't understand what 6 months is.

Hey, 20 % of this deployment is done!!! Hooray for that! We sure miss daddy being here!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Memorial Day

What a great day! The weather was gorgeous! Ava tried to feed Liam a polly o string cheese! :) Just another crazy day here!
The parade in Manchester was Ava and Liams first! Ava loved it - but Mr.F is what she talked about the most (our old doggie)

Liam slept through most of it, but had a good time.

It was great to see Grandma and Aunt Abby and Aunt Becky too!

Jake in Iraq

Here are some recent pics of Jake "over there"

The one in the middle is him in a sand storm. Pretty incredible.

A way for Jake to catch up

This is a great way for Jake to be able to keep up with the everyday goings of us while he's in Iraq.
Liam is rolling over already - I can't believe it. I won't be surprised if he is crawling soon. Ava didn't crawl till she was 8 1/2 months, but Liam is trying already. He gets his knees under him and pushes himself into a triangle. It's the weirdest thing seeing a baby so small do such things.
But it's great.

Both Liam and Ava have a cold right now. They've been sick since Sunday, I'm hoping it's better soon, since Liam doesn't do so well with a stuffy nose. Nursing is hard for him when his nose is clogged and he's just cranky.

Anyways - that's all for now, they are both sleeping in a nap, and I am enjoying th epeace and quiet :)